Robert Bürkle GmbH
Stuttgarter Str. 123
D - 72250 Freudenstadt
Tel.: +49(0)7441/58-0
Fax: +49(0)7441/58-115
DE 812201175
Local court Stuttgart
HRB 430 840
Jürgen Schröer
Branch offices:
Robert Bürkle GmbH, Branch office Mastholte, Rietberg-Mastholte
Majority shareholdings and subsidiaries:
Bürkle Asia, Hongkong
Bürkle China Verwaltungs GmbH, Taiwan Branch
Bürkle Machinery Co. Ltd, Taicang
Bürkle Shenzhen Office, Shenzhen, China
Bürkle North America,Greensboro, USA
Bürkle Hungary Kft., Debrecen, Hajdú-Bihar, Ungarn
Picture credits
We hereby comply with the obligation to label those images that have been taken from other sources and are shown on the Robert Bürkle GmbH website. The image rights have been cleared for the images used. If third-party image material has been used, the consent of the copyright holder has been obtained.
The images not listed here are the originals from Robert Bürkle GmbH.
Licensed Adobe Stock images:
263407505, 266071971, 192843718, 203267664, 270051317, 288497685, 120170550, 165929501, 33528317, 130926976, 300103402, 197496827, 293068179, 170853781,
185470013, 280183435, 275265895, 105288421, 225169285